Over time, your iron can get dirty and calcification can build up. Cleaning it once a month can prolong the life of your iron and help it work better, too.
Things You'll Need
- Baking Soda
- Clean towel
- Distilled white vinegar
- Water
- Cotton Swab
- Toothbrush
- Clean cloth
- Lemon essential oil (optional)
Step 1
Make a paste of 1 tbsp. baking soda and 2 tbsp. warm water in a bowl.
Work the paste into the steam vents and iron's plate using a cotton swab.
Wipe away the baking soda and reside using a damp cloth.
Step 2
Pour some vinegar in a small bowl. Dip the toothbrush in the vinegar and scrub the iron's plate and steam vents softly.
Step 3
Fill the iron's reservoir with clean water, and then turn the iron on the highest setting with the steam on.
Step 4
Place the iron on a towel. Move the iron back and forth while depressing the steam button.
Repeat this step a few times, holding the iron up for a few seconds in between each time.
Step 5
Once your iron has completely cooled, wipe it down with a clean damp cloth. And you're done!
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